
Green Sea Turtle

Private Residence, Normal Heights, San Diego, California, 2019


Sea Turtles have been navigating the Earth's seas and oceans for over 100 million years. Turtles are an ancient symbol of wisdom, good luck, and protection-representing the eternal link between humankind, land, and sea.

An integral part of marine ecosystems, green sea turtles graze on sea grass, which needs to be kept short in order for it to thrive and grow across the ocean floor. Healthy sea grass serves as the breeding ground for many other marine animals including many species that humans harvest. The health of the ocean depends upon the health of the sea grass, which depends upon a healthy population of sea turtles.


Sea turtles lay their eggs on beaches and dunes, which plays a large part in providing important nutrients to the vegetation that holds the dunes in place. Without proper sea turtle nesting and breeding, vegetation suffers and the dunes face increased erosion.

Commercial harvest for eggs, habitat destruction, and climate change are threatening sea turtles to the verge of extinction. Should these turtles go extinct, both ecosystems in which they are a part, would face decline, negatively impacting other species and humans alike.


Let us allow the sea turtle to take on yet another symbol, that of interconnectedness, reminding us that every time we lose a species to extinction, our entire world becomes little more vulnerable.

One way to defend these invaluable creatures is by making a donation to the San Diego Coast Keeper, a local conservation group dedicated to preserving the health of our oceans.


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